North Carolina Senate passes sports betting bill

North Carolina Senate passes sports betting bill

Sports betting is one step closer to legalisation in North Carolina after clearing the state senate. The bill had cleared a final committee earlier this week and was approved both at a final vote after a second reading.

Senate Bill 688 allows gamblers to bet only at, or within half a mile of, “sports facilities” or property owned by sports organisations, whether in person or online.

The venues permitted are those “that host professional sports and have a minimum seating capacity of 17,000 people or a facility that hosts a professional golf tournament annually.”

The bill has now been sent to the House for final approval before heading to Governor Roy Cooper‘s desk. Should it clear both stages, it would come into law from January 1, 2022.

SB 688 would allow the state lottery to issue 10-12 operating licences that would last five years and have an initial fee of $500,000 and a $100,000 renewal fee.

Platform and odds providers would be able to apply for licences paying a $25,000 application fee and a $10,000 renewal fee, while other providers would be required to pay $15,000 and $5,000, respectively.

Source: Focus Gaming News


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