Gaming & Systems up 111% as Konami reports strong recovery in June quarter

Gaming & Systems up 111% as Konami reports strong recovery in June quarter

Japan’s Konami Group has reported a 225% increase in profit attributable to owners of the parent to JPY13.66 billion in the June quarter, buoyed by revenue increases across all business segments, including Gaming & Systems.

Group-wide revenue was up 29.2% year-on-year to JPY68.33 billion, with the company’s main Digital Entertainment segment showing a 16.4% increase in revenue to JPY49.85 billion.

However, Gaming & Systems was also strong, rising 111.5% to JPY6.30 billion on the strength of the North American market.

“As a result of the vaccine rollout in North America, some restrictions including entrance restrictions on casino facilities were relaxed and the market is revitalizing”, Konami said.

In particular, in Las Vegas, economic restrictions were completely lifted in June.

“Although some countries and areas remain uncertain due to the coronavirus outbreak, the market is expected to recover gradually.”

Segment profit for Gaming & Systems was JPY916 million versus a loss of JPY925 million in the June quarter last year.

Source: Inside Asian Gaming


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