Ontario Gaming Regulator Releases Final Sports Betting Rules

Ontario Gaming Regulator Releases Final Sports Betting Rules

The Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) has released its final regulatory standards for internet-based sports and event betting in Ontario. They includes changes to advertising standards and integrity rules.

The rules have been integrated into AGCO’s existing Registrar’s Standards for Internet Gaming and will take effect at the launch of the open igaming market. The standards will apply to all sports, esports, novelty, betting exchange, and fantasy sports products.

Single-event sports betting was officially launched in Canada on August 27 but is only operated by provincial lotteries.

Tom Mungham, AGCO chief executive officer said:

“The sport and event betting standards the AGCO has released are a critical piece of Ontario’s regulatory framework.
They require gaming operators to maintain strong controls over the integrity of their offerings and give confidence to Ontarians when they place their bets.”

Khalid Ali, CEO of the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA) added: “The association welcomes the balanced and proportionate approach to betting integrity as set out by the AGCO in its Standards.

“In particular, the recognition of the benefits from operators being part of an integrity monitoring system. IBIA and its members look forward to working with the AGCO and wider Canadian stakeholders to protect sporting events and regulated betting markets from potential corruption.”

Source: Focus Gaming News


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